While shampooing, rub it, scrub it, pull it and generally bash it around before stuffing it under the full blast of a hair dryer.
Phew! It's shameful.
Just because they're not going bald in a hurry, they take it for granted. And then they wonder why their hair isn't a shiny, swinging, sexy mane like in the ads, in spite of using the same shampoo!
Well, understand the facts of life. Hair is delicate, growing stuff which need to be handled with care. A lot of care.
First, identify your hair type. Is it normal, oily or dry?
So, who's normal? Well, if your hair isn't a constant maze of split ends, doesn't become oily quickly and is fairly well behaved, you could say it is normal.
Wash your hair twice a week with a mild shampoo and conditioner for normal hair. Towel dry lightly. Blow dry from at least five inches away, whether your hair is normal, dry or oily.
Stress, hormonal activity (puberty, childbirth), thyroid problems and eating too much fatty food and chocolates are what usually cause oily hair.
Oily hair needs to be washed more often but don't scrub too hard while washing. It won't get your hair any cleaner or less oilier. What it will do is further aggravate the already overactive sebaceous glands on your scalp, not to mention cause damage to the delicate follicles.
And don't pile hair on the head while shampooing, even though it may look great in the ads. It causes tangling, leading to further breakage.
You could add lemon to the final rinse for a great shine. If you don't have time to shampoo every few days or feel lazy and leave it oily, your hair won't just look terrible, but dirt will get lodged under its surface causing breakage and damage not to mention dandruff. This will lead to skin problems such as acne on your chest, back and face.
So you need to be careful about washing hair regularly, though you could condition it just twice a month. However, if your hair has been chemically treated, you should condition hair after every wash as chemical strips hair of its natural oils.
If your hair is dry, wash it twice a week with a shampoo for dry hair, followed by a conditioner. If your scalp feels very dry and flaky, use an anti-dandruff shampoo. Be very gentle with the ends of the hair, which are the driest parts and tend to split easily.
You may be tempted to use styling products to tame the frizz, but avoid it. Frizz is usually caused by the inadequate flow of sebum from the roots, as it is being blocked by the flaky scalp. Give your hair a good oil massage before washing, to loosen the flakes, and rinse hair extra thoroughly.